Yearly Archives: 2012

Home sweet home

沒有華麗衣妝, 沒有美麗場景, 有的是一份簡簡單單的甜蜜. 🙂

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Mariza & Stewart pre-wedding

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Crystal & Ming Pre-wedding

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Yuyu & RD pre-wedding @ HK

早前幫Yuyu & RD在德國影左一輯engagement, 今次他們回港多影一輯香港的,先去yuyu的學校HKU影一下再去影香港的街景(RD要求的XD)。

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Connie & Daniel pre-wedding

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Wendy & Howie pre-wedding

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Yuki & Emerson pre-wedding

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Joyce & Steven pre-wedding

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Angie & Thomas

幸福是………跟自己喜歡的人做一件甜蜜的事。 今次engagement photo跟一對準新人去了一間bakery workshop整甜甜的macaron, 真的甜上在甜啊!!! XD 好喜歡影這種照片, 不包含任何pose, 只需要捕捉他們甜蜜蜜的時刻, 感覺自然不造作。 *Special thanks to Flavors.

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Mandy & Daniel pre-wedding behind the scene

Thanks Artfeeling Production for video taking during our photo shooting!! *Artfeeling Production:

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