Category Archives: Post wedding

Chloe Lun post wedding III

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Chloe & Lun post wedding II

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Chloe & Lun post wedding I

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Steffa & Sam pre-wedding – Mykonos

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Steffa & Sam pre-wedding – Santorini

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Mr & Mrs Sze post-wedding “making of”

上次的wow訪問已經刊登在wow.esdlife.com上了,很開心呢! 訪問片段可瀏覽: 在此放一下花絮照片~!:)

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Mr & Mrs Sze post-wedding

好開心得到wow的邀請為一對daddy mami級的恩愛夫妻補影一輯婚紗相,從他們身上,我學會了愛、尊重及珍惜!

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Uncle & Aunt Chui post-wedding

好開心可以認識一個好溫響的家庭,好開心能夠參與一個幸福的秘密行動,uncle & aunt~希望你地希望這份禮物!^^

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Tobyi & Joe

Tobyi & Joe has already get married in USA, thanks they invite me as their photographer in their coming wedding party in HK and asked me to take engagement photos for them. p.s. Thanks for Tobyi’s lovely cup cakes at the end of shooting. 😉 *MUA: Anna C!/annacmakeup

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Ginny & Kit

It’s quite funny when I met Ginny & Kit in our first meeting, I guess their are planning to get marry and asked when would be their wedding day. But actually they’ve get married for a year and planning to take photos for they sweet daily life……haha. ;P They’re looking for something different from the […]

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